On Commission | Domestic Violence
National Centre For Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
Here is some work recently completed for JWT and the National Centre For Domestic Violence. The campaign aimed to raise awareness of domestic abuse in the UK and inform people that The National Centre for Domestic Violence is there to help. These images were taken using models and dramatic make-up, fake profiles were then created on popular dating websites.
The profiles displayed and described fictitious people. Each of them had a visible injury. At the bottom of the profiles the message read:
'Nobody goes looking for an abusive relationship. Yet 1 in 4 women are trapped in one.If you know someone who is, The National Centre for Domestic Violence can help'.
The campaign was received well with hundreds of messages of support and thousands of views daily to the dating site profiles. The images were designed to look as if they might have been taken by the person in the profile. Thanks to some very clever and subtle make up the images really grab your attention.
Below is one of the E-Harmony dating website profiles as users of the site would view it.