Signwriter // Andrew Grundon
My ongoing series of portraits with the magazine Discover Britain. This time featuring signwriter Andrew Grundon. Andrew’s busy studio bursting with antique signs and sculptures is based in a small village on the North West side of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall.

Milly Chowles // Bristol
My portraits of the broadcaster, DJ and radio producer Milly Chowles. Milly has openly talked about her younger life, which was consumed by a cycle of addiction. It was in rehab that Milly was first introduced to radio production and she has since become a regular reporter for Radio 4’s flagship programme; Woman’s Hour, where she’s found her niche in reporting on subjects she has personal experience of.

RNLI Sea Survival // Guardian
Earlier this week I spent the day with Rachel Hall from the Guardian down at the RNLI's Sea Survival training centre in Poole. The training centre is a standard 25 meter swimming pool which can be transformed into a stormy seascape complete with wind, rain and darkness at the pressing of a few buttons. The journalists in the dinghy were being given an experience of what it is like for migrants attempting the perilous crossing of the English Channel in unseaworthy boats.

Lockdown Baby // Guardian Weekend
Lockdown Living - My portraits of writer Richard Godwin and his newborn son for a piece in the Guardian Weekend about having a baby in lockdown. I had assumed it was probably a pretty good time to have a baby (impending doom concerns aside), with lots of time at home and nowhere else to go. Chatting to Richard I quickly realised I hadn't considered the many downsides of bringing a little person into the world at this time. I had heard horror stories from another friend of fathers not allowed to accompany their partners to check ups and even the birth! That is pretty heartbreaking. The implications on a child born at this strange and sanitised moment in history are interesting.

Wild Swimming // Royal College of Nursing
I am a recently converted cold water enthusiast, albeit more of the sitting in an ice filled agricultural water butt in my bathroom type of enthusiast. We're a bit landlocked here in Wiltshire. I met Olivia at the Clevedon Marine Lake not long after sunrise on a bitingly cold April morning. The water temperature, having had little chance to warm since winter, was still in single figures. Unperturbed, Olivia strode out into the glacial waters, no squeaking or squealing heard, just a calm confidence. Olivia took to cold water immersion in the depth of the pandemic to help her cope with the severe anxiety brought on by the stress of working on a stroke dependency ward during the height of Covid. Exposing yourself to very cold water has an extraordinary effect on well being. I'm not sure the research is there yet to understand the physiological responses fully, but I can attest that there is some sort of magical reaction going on. The effect on sleep alone is particularly notable, I never sleep better than when I've had a cold dunk. The rush of endorphins is intoxicating and it is curiously addictive.

Freya // Bristol
14 year old Freya is one of the first people in the world to undergo an astonishing new heart transplantation technique - the donor heart is restarted in a machine outside of the recipients body before being transplanted.

Sadie Frost & Raff Law // Sunday Times Magazine
Actor and Producer Sadie Frost at home during Lockdown #3 with her son Raff Law. Photography commissioned by the Sunday Times Magazine.

Caroline Quentin // Guardian G2
Recent portrait work with the very lovely Caroline Quentin at her Dorset home for the Guardian G2.

Jen Reid // Observer New Review
Black Lives Matter activist Jen Reid was the subject of the 'A Surge of Power' sculpture by artist Marc Quinn. It is based on a photograph of Jen during a BLM protest, raising her arm in a Black Power salute during the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol.

Sarah Beeney | Quickbooks // Bridge Studios
Sarah Beeney, photographed for Quickbooks. Perusing through hard drives I came across this set taken a while back. On second viewing this portrait stood out, a simple portrait with muted tones.