Cover Stars | Sunday Times Magazine
Last Weekend's Sunday Times Magazine features four distinctive front covers, all of which were photographed by me. A commission that is leading the charge as the most fun of 2023 and also an unprecedented feat for me, I've never had four different front covers on the same day!

Met Office | Telegraph Magazine
An intriguing assignment from The Telegraph Magazine saw me venturing down to the Met Office HQ, which is nestled in the Devon countryside near Exeter. A

The Icebreakers
These chaps gleefully stripped off to their trunks, did some breathing exercises and went for a meditative dip in the frozen weir. Utterly bananas, but admirable. With the strong hoar frost, I couldn't help but notice the visual similarities with the famous macaque monkeys who look so serene submerged up to their cheeks in the hot springs in the mountainous North of Japan.

Milly Chowles // Bristol
My portraits of the broadcaster, DJ and radio producer Milly Chowles. Milly has openly talked about her younger life, which was consumed by a cycle of addiction. It was in rehab that Milly was first introduced to radio production and she has since become a regular reporter for Radio 4’s flagship programme; Woman’s Hour, where she’s found her niche in reporting on subjects she has personal experience of.

Lockdown Baby // Guardian Weekend
Lockdown Living - My portraits of writer Richard Godwin and his newborn son for a piece in the Guardian Weekend about having a baby in lockdown. I had assumed it was probably a pretty good time to have a baby (impending doom concerns aside), with lots of time at home and nowhere else to go. Chatting to Richard I quickly realised I hadn't considered the many downsides of bringing a little person into the world at this time. I had heard horror stories from another friend of fathers not allowed to accompany their partners to check ups and even the birth! That is pretty heartbreaking. The implications on a child born at this strange and sanitised moment in history are interesting.

Dorset Coastal Rescue // Discover Britain
A chilly morning down at Lulworth Cove with Dorset Coastal Rescue. Volunteer Scott Lewis photographed on the rock beach of Stair Hole Cove, a spot usually inaccessible to the public.